Sponsorship Opportunities
Support the needs of Kitsap Regional Library through sponsorship. Your gifts ensure the Library can maintain and expand on the programs, services, resources and spaces that your community needs. Become a sponsor and be recognized for your generous contributions to the future of Library services in Kitsap. Benefits remain active 12 months after your gift is received and are administered by the Foundation.
$500 Belonging Sponsorship
Supporting inclusive and equitable environments for all.
As an honored sponsor, you will receive:
Your logo on the Foundation website
Your logo in online annual report
$500 Belonging Sponsorship
As an honored sponsor, you will receive:
Your logo on the Foundation website
Your logo in the Foundation's online annual report
Supporting inclusive and equitable environments for all.
$1,000 Connection Sponsorship
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
One social media sponsor feature
Your logo in Foundation event(s) printed program
Sponsor recognition at Foundation event(s)
Sponsor listing in one edition of the Library's patron publication, Chapters
Designing spaces that cultivate community connections.
$2,500 Curiosity Sponsorship
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Quarter-page sponsor feature in Foundation event(s) program
Your logo in one edition of the Library's patron publication, Chapters
Sponsor feature in an email to our donors
Inspiring others through provoking wonder and curiosity.
$5,000 Growth Sponsorship
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Two social media sponsor features
Half-page sponsor feature in Foundation event(s) program
Your logo in the Library's 2025 Summer publication
Delivering resources and services beyond Library doors.
$7,500 Thrive Sponsorship
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Three social media sponsor features
Sponsor shout-out at Foundation event(s)
Full page sponsor feature in Foundation event(s) program
Building libraries that respond to the needs of the community.
$10,000 Inspire Sponsorship
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Four social media sponsor features
Listed as "presented by" on all Foundation event(s) collateral
Your logo in an additional edition of the Library’s patron publication, Chapters
Creating a great collective impact through libraries that endure.
The Library reserves the right to make decisions regarding the implementation of each grant, gift or other support. In assessing the suitability of a potential donor relationship, the Library will look for alignment with its values and mission, considering the public image, line of business, and products and services.
Become a Sponsor
If you prefer to be invoiced fill out this form and email it to foundation@KRL.org.
If you have questions, please contact us at (360) 860-5100.
Tax Information
The Kitsap Regional Library Foundation is the official charitable-gift receiving agent for Kitsap Regional Library. It is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. All gifts to the Foundation, whether outright or deferred, are tax deductible to the full extent permitted by law.
Legal Name: Kitsap Regional Library Foundation
Tax ID Number: 91-1605136
© 2024 Kitsap Regional Library Foundation. Privacy Policy.
Site Design by Three Leaves Design.
$1,000 Connection Sponsorship
Designing spaces that cultivate community connections.
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
One social media sponsor feature
Your logo in Foundation event(s) printed program
Sponsor recognition at Foundation event(s)
Sponsor recognition in one quarterly edition of Inspire
$2,500 Curiosity Sponsorship
Inspiring others through provoking wonder and curiosity.
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Quarter page sponsor feature in Foundation event(s) program
Sponsor feature in an email to our donors
Sponsor recognition in two quarterly editions of Inspire
$5,000 Growth Sponsorship
Delivering resources and services beyond Library doors.
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Two social media sponsor features
Half page sponsor feature in Foundation event(s) program
Sponsor recognition in three quarterly editions of Inspire
$7,500 Thrive Sponsorship
Building libraries that respond to the needs of the community.
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Three social media sponsor features
Sponsor shout-out at Foundation event(s)
Full page sponsor feature in Foundation event(s) program
Sponsor recognition in all four quarterly editions of Inspire
$10,000 Inspire Sponsorship
Creating a great collective impact through libraries that endure.
As an honored sponsor, you will receive all previous benefits, plus:
Four social media sponsor features
Listed as "presented by" on all Foundation event(s) collateral
Sponsor ad place in Summer Learning edition of Inspire